Push Propagation

The TIP superior transaction manager pushes the transaction by sending a PUSH TIP command, specifying its own transaction identifier as the superior's transaction identifier. For this example, the superior's transaction identifier is 1c7edc47-a302-4cae-8829-c0bf87d79ad7.



 Value description

TIP command

0x50 0x55 0x53 0x48




" "

superior's transaction identifier

0x31 0x63 0x37 0x65 0x64 0x63 0x34 0x37 0x2D 0x61 0x33 0x30 0x32 0x2D 0x34 0x63 0x61 0x65 0x2D 0x38 0x38 0x32 0x39 0x2D 0x63 0x30 0x62 0x66 0x38 0x37 0x64 0x37 0x39 0x61 0x64 0x37


TIP command line terminator



When the TIP subordinate transaction manager receives the PUSH TIP command, it adds the transaction to its list of transaction objects with a newly created transaction identifier and the transaction will become the Current transaction of the TIP connection. The TIP subordinate transaction manager responds with the PUSHED TIP command, specifying the new transaction identifier as the subordinate's transaction identifier. The State of the TIP connection changes to Enlisted.



 Value description

TIP command

0x50 0x55 0x53 0x48 0x45 0x44




" "

subordinate's transaction identifier ID

0x4F 0x6C 0x65 0x54 0x78 0x2D 0x34 0x39 0x32 0x63 0x33 0x36 0x34 0x32 0x2D 0x39 0x63 0x34 0x63 0x2D 0x34 0x66 0x38 0x63 0x2D 0x61 0x62 0x65 0x65 0x2D 0x37 0x66 0x65 0x31 0x30 0x38 0x33 0x63 0x62 0x65 0x32 0x61


TIP command line terminator
