2.1 Transport

This protocol uses the following RPC protocol sequences as specified in [MS-RPCE] (sections for TCP/IP - NCACN_IP_TCP, for SMB - NCACN_NP):

  • RPC over TCP/IP (for the WindowsShutdown RPC interface)

  • RPC over named pipes (for the WinReg and InitShutdown RPC interfaces)

This protocol uses the following RPC endpoints:

  • dynamic endpoints as specified in [C706] part 4 (for the WindowsShutdown RPC interface)

  • well-known endpoint \PIPE\InitShutdown over named pipes (for the InitShutdown RPC interface)

  • well-known endpoint \PIPE\winreg over named pipes (for the WinReg RPC interface)

This protocol MUST use the following UUIDs:

  • WinReg Interface: 338CD001-2244-31F1-AAAA-900038001003

  • InitShutdown Interface: 894DE0C0-0D55-11D3-A322-00C04FA321A1

  •  WindowsShutdown Interface: D95AFE70-A6D5-4259-822E-2C84DA1DDB0D