Processing a Training Confirm PDU

The structure and fields of the Training Confirm PDU are specified in section

A Training Confirm PDU is received only if the server sends a Training PDU. The wTimeStamp and wPackSize fields MUST contain the same value as the corresponding fields in the Training PDU sent by the server.

The server MAY use the values of the wTimeStamp and wPackSize fields of this PDU to calculate how fast the network is transmitting data. The result of this calculation MAY then be used to determine the audio format to use when sending audio data to the client.

If the server sent a Training PDU over UDP and it does not receive a Training Confirm PDU after a certain amount of time, then the server SHOULD send additional Training PDUs over UDP. If after several retries the server has not successfully received a Training Confirm PDU, the server SHOULD use virtual channels for data transfer instead of UDP.<21>