2.2.2 HCEP Response

The HCEP response MUST be an HTTP OK response (status-code 200), indicating that there are no errors. Other HTTP response status codes, as specified in [RFC2616] section 6.1.1, MUST be returned by the server in case of error events, as specified in section 3.1.8. The client-side handling of errors is specified in section 3.1.8.

The HCEP response that is encapsulated in HTTP includes a number of fields in the HTTP message header. Some are standard fields (as specified in [RFC2616] sections 4.5, 6.2, and 7.1) that must take on specific values; however, others are new fields that are defined by the Health Certificate Enrollment Protocol. These fields MUST follow the rules as specified in [RFC2616] section 4.2.