3.1 Byte Ordering

The following code snippet illustrates how the use of the big-endian and little-endian methods can affect the compatibility of applications.

 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 int main()
     int buf;
     int in;
     int nread;
     in = open("file.in", O_RDONLY);
     nread = read(in, (int *) &buf, sizeof(buf));
     printf("First Integer in file.in = %x\n", buf);

In the preceding code, if the first integer word stored in the file.in file on a big-endian computer was the hexadecimal number 0x12345678, the resulting output on that computer would be as follows.

 % ./test
 First Integer in file.in = 12345678

If the file.in file were read by the same program running on a little-endian computer, the resulting output would be as follows.

 % ./test
 First Integer in file.in = 78563412

Because of the difference in output, one would need to implement metafile record processing so that it could read integers from a file based on the endian method that the computer uses.