1.6 Applicability Statement

This protocol applies to scenarios where distributed atomic transaction processing is required.

Distributed transactions are generally required in scenarios where several applications and resource managers cooperate to perform a set of related work items that require the ACID properties of a distributed transaction. These properties are needed to be able to make changes to persistent state in a deterministic, correct, and highly reliable manner. Although distributed transactions are one of several mechanisms for accomplishing this goal, they are the most efficient and understood general-purpose solution.

This specific distributed transaction protocol requires network topologies where the MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx Transports Protocol as specified in [MS-CMPO], and the MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx Multiplexing Protocol as specified in [MS-CMP], constitute a viable network transport for establishing long-lived session relationships between different parties supporting many short-lived connection exchanges that accomplish specific tasks.