IME Support for Applications Running on Windows NT 3.5

On Windows NT 3.5, a single IME covers all subsystems, including Win32, Win16, Console, Virtual DOS Machines, and OS/2. The user can enter Chinese characters into MS-DOS–based applications running on Virtual DOS Machines using the IMEs provided by Windows NT. However, Japanese-language applications cannot control the IMEs using the MS-KANJI API (the IME API for MS-DOS). If the MS-DOS application does call the MS-KANJI API, the user has to install the standard front-end processor for MS-DOS before the application will work properly.

Implementing support for IMEs on Windows NT 3.5 involves adding code to handle a few Windows messages and adding calls to several API functions. Adding support for IMEs on Windows 95 can be more complex because the system allows a higher level of customization. If you are porting an existing application that runs on Windows 3.1 to Windows NT or Windows 95, your IME-related code will require few changes. Although the "plumbing" underneath the IME system on Windows NT 3.5 differs from that on Windows 3.1, the user interface and API are identical.