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IVstaProjectHostItem Members

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Defines a COM-visible interface for accessing a host item in the Visual Studio Tools for Applications project, which appears as a code file in Project Explorer.

The IVstaProjectHostItem type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddEventHandler Adds an event handler to the host item's code file.
Public method AddMethod Adds a method to the host item's code file.
Public method IsEventHandled Returns a value that indicates whether the specified event is handled in the user code file.



  Name Description
Public property BlueprintFilePath Gets the full file path of the blueprint XML file for the host item.
Public property CodeFilePath Gets the full file path of the code file for the host item.
Public property FullyQualifiedNamespace Gets the fully qualified namespace of the project host item.
Public property Parent Gets or sets the parent of the project host item, which is the IVstaHostAdapter.
Public property ProgrammingModelHostItem Gets an Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.ProgrammingModel.Interop.IVstaHostItem that enables you to set identifiers, to access host objects and other properties such as the cookie and display name, and to raise events.


See Also


IVstaProjectHostItem Interface

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.DesignTime.Interop Namespace