
The StrGetLauncher method passes a task name to the load balancer service and returns the URL of a launcher service that is available to perform a conversion task. If the load balancer service is able to assign a launcher service to the conversion task, it MUST add the task name of the conversion task and current time to its table of in-progress conversion tasks.

 String StrGetLauncher(String strTaskName);

strTaskname: The name of the conversion task that runs on the returned launcher service. This parameter MUST be set to a non-empty value and MUST be 270 or fewer characters in length.

Return Value: If a conversion task with the specified name exists in the load balancer service's table of in-progress conversion tasks, and if the current time is less than 1200 seconds after the start time for the conversion task, the return value MUST be equal to "TransformCurrentlyRunning". Otherwise, if a launcher service is available to process the conversion task, the return value MUST be set to the URL of the launcher service assigned to the conversion task. Otherwise, the return value MUST be set to an empty string value.

Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown beyond those thrown by the .NET Remoting Core Protocol as specified in [MS-NRTP].