Property Restriction

The property restriction is a basic element in property expression. It specifies a Boolean predicate on one property of the item. The protocol server MUST recognize a sequence of characters as a property restriction if it starts with a property name, followed by one of the operators, followed by a value, without additional characters between name, operator, and value.

The property specified by its name MUST be searchable with the full-text. If the specified property is not full-text searchable, the sequence MUST NOT be interpreted as a property restriction but instead MUST be interpreted simply as a sequence of text tokens.

The type of the value MUST match the type of the property. The property restriction MUST match the item if the value provided in the query matches the value of the item’s property according to the operator.

The operator MUST be one of the following:




The property of the item contains the specified value.


The property of the item is equal to the specified value.


The property of the item is not equal to the specified value.


The property of the item is greater than the specified value.


The property of the item is greater or equal to the specified value.


The property of the item is less than the specified value.


The property of the item is less than or equal to the specified value.

 property-restriction = property-name property-operator property-value
 property-name = property-token / property-quoted-string
 property-value = property-typed-value / property-token / property-quoted-string
 property-operator = ":" / "=" / "<>" / ">" / ">=" / "<" / "<="