3.1.1 Abstract Data Model

First Message: The messageid of the first reliable outstanding message on the outbound link. A message is outstanding if it has been transmitted but not acknowledged.

Last Message: The messageid of the last reliable outstanding message on the outbound link.

Outstanding Message Mask: A mask of bits that specifies those messages between First Message and Last Message that have not been acknowledged.

First Unreliable Message: The messageid of the first outstanding message on the outbound link that is not marked as reliable.

Last Unreliable Message: The messageid of the last outstanding message on the outbound link that is not marked as reliable.

Unreliable Outstanding Message Mask: A mask of bits that specifies those messages between First Unreliable Message and Last Unreliable Message that have not been acknowledged.

Unreliable Receive Queue: A queue for assembling parts of unreliable messages before they are finally assembled and indicated.

Reliable Receive Queue: A queue for assembling reliable messages and maintaining their order for indication.

First Reliable Receive: The first messageid in the reliable receive queue.

Last Reliable Receive: The last messageid in the reliable receive queue.

Reliable Receive Mask: A mask of bits that indicates which messageids relative to First Reliable Receive are reliable.

Bytes Received: Count of bytes received on this link.

Average Latency: Average latency of messages sent on this link.