

Flags for reporting regular expression syntax errors.


typedef T3 error_type;
static const error_type error_badbrace, error_badrepeat, error_brace,
  error_brack, error_collate, error_complexity, error_ctype,
  error_escape, error_paren, error_range, error_space,
  error_stack, error_backref;


The type is an enumerated type that describes an object that can hold error flags. The distinct flag values are:

error_badbrace -- the expression contained an invalid count in a { } expression

error_badrepeat -- a repeat expression (one of '*', '?', '+', '{' in most contexts) was not preceded by an expression

error_brace -- the expression contained an unmatched '{' or '}'

error_brack -- the expression contained an unmatched '[' or ']'

error_collate -- the expression contained an invalid collating element name

error_complexity -- an attempted match failed because it was too complex

error_ctype -- the expression contained an invalid character class name

error_escape -- the expression contained an invalid escape sequence

error_paren -- the expression contained an unmatched '(' or ')'

error_range -- the expression contained an invalid character range specifier

error_space -- parsing a regular expression failed because there were not enough resources available

error_stack -- an attempted match failed because there was not enough memory available

error_backref -- the expression contained an invalid back reference


Header: <regex>

Namespace: std

See Also

regex_constants Class