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logon Request

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Signs in to an Office Communicator Web Access Server with specified user credentials.


   <user>string value</user>
   <password>string value</password>

The following sections describe attributes, parent elements, and child elements.

Element Information

Parent Element




Contains one or more methods that a Unified Communications AJAX API Client sends to a Communicator Web Access Server.

Child Elements





0 or more

A persons account name, of the "domain\user" or "user@domain" form.


0 or more

The password of the user account.


The logon request must be made first before any other requests in a session. The logon method is the only request method that cannot have a rid attribute. It can be used to let a user log on to a Communicator Web Access Server based on one of the following authentication schemes:

  • Form-based authentication in which the user must provide his or her credentials explicitly to be authenticated. The URL used for such a request is "".

  • Integrated Windows authentication in which the credentials from the user's Windows account is used to have the user authenticated. The URL for such a request is "".

  • Single Sign-On (SSO) The URL for such a request is "".

When the request is successful, the server creates an authentication ticket and returns it to the client through a special HTTP header (named "CWA-Ticket") in the HTTP response. The caller must cache this ticket and submit it, as the CWA-Ticket header, in all subsequent HTTP requests throughout the session.

The ticket expires after a server-specified time period. The Communicator Web Access Server issues a new ticket when that time period expires. The client must watch for the new ticket in the HTTP responses from both the command and data channels. The client cache must be updated after receiving a new authentication ticket. This new ticket is used in all HTTP requests made to the command and data channels until the next update of the ticket. If the authentication ticket is not returned, the logon request has failed.

After a successful logon request, the client must make the initiateSession request immediately. This must happen before calling any other methods.


XML example of the request

The following request is an example for form-based logon, in which user credentials are explicitly stated in the Logon request:


An example of a successful response to the above request is as follows. (%s represents the data returned. The phone numbers are retrieved from Microsoft Active Directory directory service and might be empty, depending on the Active Directory attributes for that user.)

   <requestSucceeded eid="0">

In addition, the authentication ticket is returned in the CWA-Ticket header.

An example failed response to the above request is as follows.


The following request is an example for a logon request using integrated Windows authentication, in which user credentials are omitted in the Logon request.


See Also


initiateSession Request