voIPTerminate Request

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Request the server to terminate the VoIP INVITE.





Element Information

Parent Element




Specifies a grouping for conference-related requests.

Child Elements






Specifies the action that Communicator Web Access Server takes on termination of the VoIP call. Acceptable values: busyhere|declineeverywhere|temporarilyunavailable|voicemail


This request is used by the logged on user to terminate the VoIP session. The request can be made immediately after receiving the voIPReceived event. This is done when the user does not want to answer the VoIP call or wants to forward it to voice mail.

The alternative to voIPTerminate is voIPRedirect. This second option is used when the user wants to respond to the invitation by speaking to the caller on a VoIP-enabled handset or conversing through an IM session.


Example 1:

The user wants to transfer the received VoIP call to her voice mail. The Unified Communications client application creates a conference request element and uses the voIPterminate element to specify the request to end the VoIP call. The Communicator Web Access Server sees that the action specified on termination of the call is to forward the VoIP call to the users previously configured voice mail number.

<cwaRequests xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2006/09/rtc/cwa" sid="378">
   <conference confId="1" rid="101">

Example 2:

In this example, the user is terminating the VoIP call without requesting any further action from the Communicator Web Access Server.

<cwaRequests xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2006/09/rtc/cwa" sid="378">
   <conference confId="1" rid="101">

See Also


voIPReceived Event

voIPRedirect Request

voIPTerminated Event

voIPReplyWithIM Request