A persistence exception has occurred during the batch submission in the batching Orchestration


Catetgory Information
Product Name BizTalk Server
Product Version 3.9
Event ID
Event Source BizTalk Server EDI
Component Batching Engine
Symbolic Name PersistenceExceptionOccurred
Message Text A persistence exception has occurred during the batch submission in the batching Orchestration. Batch Id = {0}, ErrorMessage = {1}. Please check your send port subscriptions and fix them.


This Error/Warning/Information event indicates that BizTalk Server could not send a batched interchange because no send port subscribed to the interchange.

User Action

To resolve this error, ensure that a send port subscribes to the batch by setting the following filter properties for the send port: EDI.DestinationPartyName = <PartyName>, EDI.BatchEncodingType = EDIFACT or X12, and EDI.ToBeBatched = False.