Overview of DTM

Driver Test Manager (DTM) is a collection of software components that provide a harness to run tests to obtain a “Designed for Windows” logo for your driver. DTM reduces the workload on testers by automatically distributing tests to available computers.

With DTM, you can test your drivers on more computers and with greater ease than manually reconfiguring computers on which to run the logo tests. With DTM, whenever a computer becomes idle, it can be automatically scheduled to run further tests. Meanwhile, testers can monitor the progress of a test while the test is running. DTM increases testing coverage for your driver, reduces tester overhead, and speeds the process to obtain a Windows logo.

In addition, with DTM you can create custom tests to help determine driver performance and to identify causes of driver failures. See the Creating Your Own DTM Jobs topic for more details.

This section includes the following topics:

Driver Test Manager Components

General DTM Concepts

DTM Lab Security

DTM Controller and Client Organization

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Built on December 10, 2009