Sync Framework Metadata Storage Service

Microsoft Sync Framework is a comprehensive synchronization platform that enables collaboration and offline access for applications, services, and devices. It features technologies and tools that enable roaming, sharing, and taking data offline. By using Sync Framework, developers can build synchronization ecosystems that integrate any application with any data from any store that uses any protocol over any network.

This is documentation for Metadata Storage Service. Metadata Storage Service helps store synchronization metadata for a provider when the provider represents a replica that cannot otherwise store metadata.

For information about documentation for other Sync Framework components, see this Microsoft Web site.

In This Section

  • Accessing Replica Metadata
    Describes the interfaces and objects that are used to access the metadata contained in the metadata store.
  • Detecting Deleted Items
    Describes the delete detection service. This service helps a provider detect deletes on a replica that does not automatically track them.
