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Microsoft.UpdateServices.ClientServicing Namespace

This namespace is used in combination with the Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration namespace to support updates for clients using operating systems other than Windows (for example, the Windows Mobile operating system).


Class Description
CategoryMetadata Contains information describing a category. A category can be referenced by other packages as a prerequisite. Obsolete.
ClassificationMetadata Contains information describing an update classification. A classification can be referenced by other packages as a prerequisite. Obsolete.
ClientInfo Describes a new or existing client when registering clients using RegisterClient. Obsolete.
ClientServicingProxy Contains the methods needed to service various non-Windows clients (including Windows Mobile), in conjunction with the methods in the Administration namespace. Obsolete.
DetectoidMetadata contains information describing a detectoid. A detectoid can be referenced by other packages as a prerequisite. Obsolete.
InvalidCookieException Thrown when an invalid MetadataStateCookie is passed into Client Servicing API methods. Obsolete.
MetadataStateCookie A cookie that represents a snapshot of the state of the metadata in the update server database. Obsolete.
PackageApproval Defines the time and the manner in which a client should apply an update. Obsolete.
PackageMetadata Contains information describing a package. Obsolete.
PackageMetadataSet Instances of this class contain either a complete snapshot of the package metadata in the update server database, or just the set of changes that have been made to the update server database since a previous snapshot. Obsolete.
SoftwareMetadata Information describing a software package. Obsolete.


Structure Description
PackageState The state of a single package on a client. Obsolete.


Enumeration Description
PackageApprovalAction Describes the action that clients should take on the associated package. Obsolete.
PackageApprovalState Describes the state of a package approval. Obsolete.
PackageInstallationState Describes the state of a software package on a client. Obsolete.
PackageType The type of package described by a PackageMetadata object. Obsolete.