Fault Message Hierarchy Overview

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

This section is non-normative.

Before launching into a detailed specification of the fault message hierarchy, this section summarizes the top two levels. Like all taxonomies, the fault message hierarchy has its arbitrary aspects and its gray areas.

There are two top-level fault messages: Client and Server.

Client generally indicates that something was wrong with the request that the API client software could at least in principle have known about, and that the same request will most likely fail if sent again. Examples include a StringOption value that is too long and attempting to create a meeting with a name already in use. The latter example falls into one of the gray areas: some user might delete the meeting, and the same request would then succeed.

The following table summarizes the fault messages immediately under Client.

Fault Messages Immediately Below Client




The requestor could not be authenticated, for example, because the password was wrong.


The requestor was not authorized to perform the request. For example, it was a CreateUserRequest, but the requestor was not an administrator.


A field contained incorrect data, for example an unknown time zone ID.


The results of a query did not match the query requirements. For example, the StringQuery in a ModifyMeetingRequest did not match exactly one non-deleted meeting.


The request was on an object that was not in a state where it could process the request. For example, a ModifyGroup operation attempted to remove a user from a group when the user was not a member of that group.


The request violated some syntactic constraint of this specification. BadSyntax is used for something that can be detected without any knowledge of the state of the conference center, for example trying to create a meeting with maxUsers zero.


The request would have caused some object's invariant to become false.


A problem with the meeting is encountered. For example, the meeting is full or is not active.


Some resource limit would have been exceeded, for example the maximum number of seats available.


Some limit on the conference center as a whole was encountered. For example, an attempt was made to create a meeting during a scheduled maintenance window.

The Server top-level fault message indicates a problem on the conference center. The following table summarizes the fault messages immediately under Server.

Fault Messages Immediately Below Server




The server detected an unexpected error. The error might be transient, so retrying the request once or twice might be worthwhile. If the error persists, please report this to Live Meeting technical support.


The requested operation or functionality was not available, for example because it has not been implemented yet. Retrying the request would be futile.

See Also


Fault Messages