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DssRuntimeLoader Members

Microsoft Robotics Class Reference

The DssRuntimeLoader type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method DssRuntimeLoader
Initialization constructor


  Name Description
Public method Activate< (Of < <' (T> ) > > )
Submits CCR tasks to the dispatcher port for execution. If the task was a receiver orchestration like join or choice, executing it means registering constraints on ports to guard the execution of user code
(Inherited from CcrServiceBase.)
Protected method Cleanup(Handler)
Post a Shutdown message instance on the internal cleanup port and invokes the supplied delegate before the default cleanup handler
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Protected method Cleanup(Handler< (Of < <' (Shutdown> ) > > ))
Post a Shutdown message instance on the internal cleanup port and invokes the supplied delegate before the default cleanup handler
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public method CreateService(Type, ServiceInfoType)
Create a new service instance
Public method CreateService(Type, String)
Create service
Protected method DefaultCleanup
Registers a delegate which will trigger when a Shutdown message is posted on the CleanupPort port associated with this class instance
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public method Dispose
Dispose runtime
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Init
Initialization method. Assigns TaskQueue field from Environment.TaskQueue
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public method Initialize
Public method InitializeByAssembly
Initialization of core runtime plus services within the specified assembly
Public method InitializeByContract
Initialization of core runtime plus specified service
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Spawn(Handler)
Invoke a message handler asynchronously, supplying any arguments explicitly.
(Inherited from CcrServiceBase.)
Protected method Spawn< (Of < <' (T0> ) > > )(T0, Handler< (Of < <' (T0> ) > > ))
Invoke a message handler asynchronously, supplying any arguments explicitly.
(Inherited from CcrServiceBase.)
Protected method Spawn< (Of < <' (T0, T1> ) > > )(T0, T1, Handler< (Of < <' (T0, T1> ) > > ))
Invoke a message handler asynchronously, supplying any arguments explicitly.
(Inherited from CcrServiceBase.)
Protected method Spawn< (Of < <' (T0, T1, T2> ) > > )(T0, T1, T2, Handler< (Of < <' (T0, T1, T2> ) > > ))
Invoke a message handler asynchronously, supplying any arguments explicitly.
(Inherited from CcrServiceBase.)
Protected method SpawnIterator(IteratorHandler)
Invoke an iterator-based message handler asynchronously, supplying any arguments explicitly.
(Inherited from CcrServiceBase.)
Protected method SpawnIterator< (Of < <' (T0> ) > > )(T0, IteratorHandler< (Of < <' (T0> ) > > ))
Invoke an iterator-based message handler asynchronously, supplying any arguments explicitly.
(Inherited from CcrServiceBase.)
Protected method SpawnIterator< (Of < <' (T0, T1> ) > > )(T0, T1, IteratorHandler< (Of < <' (T0, T1> ) > > ))
Invoke an iterator-based message handler asynchronously, supplying any arguments explicitly.
(Inherited from CcrServiceBase.)
Protected method SpawnIterator< (Of < <' (T0, T1, T2> ) > > )(T0, T1, T2, IteratorHandler< (Of < <' (T0, T1, T2> ) > > ))
Invoke an iterator-based message handler asynchronously, supplying any arguments explicitly.
(Inherited from CcrServiceBase.)
Public method StartClientManifest
Start one or more services by loading the manifest
Protected method TimeoutPort(Int32)
Creates a port to receive a time signal, registers a timeout with the sequencer, supplying the private port.
(Inherited from CcrServiceBase.)
Protected method TimeoutPort(TimeSpan)
Creates a port to receive a time signal, registers a timeout with the sequencer, supplying the private port.
(Inherited from CcrServiceBase.)
Public method ToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method UpdateEnvironment
Update the TaskQueue instance with the one in the supplied result
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public method WaitForShutdown
Blocks calling thread until shutdown completes or initialization failed


  Name Description
Protected property CleanupPort
Default cleanup port for this instance.
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Protected property Environment
Service environment
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Protected property FileStoreConstructorPort
FileStore Constructor Service
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Protected property ResourceManagerPort
Resource manager
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public property RuntimeConfiguration
Configuration supplied at startup
Protected property SerializerPort
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Protected property TaskQueue
Dispatcher port associated with this instance. Used by Activate() calls to schedule tasks
(Inherited from CcrServiceBase.)
Public property UserTaskQueue
Task queue for user tasks scheduled on the core DSS dispatcher
Protected property WinFormsServicePort
WinForms Service
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)

See Also

DssRuntimeLoader Class

Microsoft.Dss.Core Namespace