DsspOperationQueuingPolicy Enumeration

Microsoft Robotics Class Reference

Operation policy for queuing requests on service ports

Namespace: Microsoft.Dss.ServiceModel.Dssp
Assembly: Microsoft.Dss.Base (in Microsoft.Dss.Base.dll) Version: (


[XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "https://schemas.microsoft.com/xw/2004/10/dssp.html")]
[DataContractAttribute(Namespace = "https://schemas.microsoft.com/xw/2004/10/dssp.html")]
[XmlRootAttribute("DsspOperationQueuingPolicy", Namespace = "https://schemas.microsoft.com/xw/2004/10/dssp.html", 
    IsNullable = false)]
public enum DsspOperationQueuingPolicy


Member name Value Description
None 0 No policy
Default 7 Operations are queued with a default upper bound on queue depth and discard with fault
ConstrainDepth 1 Policy is enforced using an upper bound on queue depth
DiscardWithFault 2 Fault responses will automatically be sent, when the upper bound is reached
IgnoreWhenReceiversAttached 4 If there are no receivers attached to the port, no queueing policy is applied (no depth limit is enforced)


Default behavior is to queue inbound operations with no constraints. If no handler is attached for a given operation type this can lead to memory resource leaks, and the port queues growing without bounds. The policy is used to specify runtime behavior, so queue depths can be constrained, and replies can automatically be sent without ever invoking service code

See Also

Microsoft.Dss.ServiceModel.Dssp Namespace