Application Development and Deployment Locations

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The following table summarizes the locations at which managed code, SALT, and VoiceXML project files are created (row 1 of the table) and the locations at which the compiled and built files are deployed (row 2 of the table).

Managed Code SALT VoiceXML

%My Documents%\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\<application name>

See the first note following the table.


See the second note following the table.


See the second note following the table.

The virtual directory must be localhost.

The virtual directory can be localhost or at a URL that references an external computer.

The virtual directory can be localhost or at a URL that references an external computer.


In Speech Server 2004 R2, the project file location is %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Speech Server\SDK\Speech Projects\<application name>.


Unlike managed code project files, SALT and VoiceXML project files have no default locations at which they are created.