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This interface defines the states and behaviors of a messenger window.

The interface ID is D6B0E4C8-FAD6-4885-B271-0DC5A584ADF8 (IID_IMessengerWindow).


interface IMessengerWindow : IDispatch


The following table lists the methods exposed by the IMessengerWindow interface.

Name Description


Closes a messenger window. If the window is a conversation window, the call terminates any sessions contained in it.

Not scriptable.


Sets the visibility status of a messenger window.



This interface contains the following properties.

Name Description


Sets or retrieves the height of a messenger window.

Not scriptable.


Retrieves a window handle to a messenger window.

Not scriptable.


Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates the open or closed state of the window.



Sets or retrieves the left screen position of a messenger window, in pixels.

Not scriptable.


Not Implemented.


Sets or retrieves the vertical position of a messenger window relative to the screen, in pixels.

Not scriptable.


Sets or retrieves the horizontal dimension of a messenger window, in pixels.

Not scriptable.


The following table lists the subclass exposed by the IMessengerWindow interface.

Name Description


Encapsulates an Instant Messaging window with which instant messaging participants converse with each other.


A messenger window is either the main application window or any child window owned by the main application window. Different options can apply. Most dialog boxes (for example, Add a Contact and Options) cannot be controlled using this interface. These dialog boxes are considered child windows of the main messenger application window. They can be started by invoking Office Communicator Automation API.

The main application window is active as long as the executable is running (even in the notification area). Use the IMessenger::Window property, which returns a pointer to a pointer to the IDispatch interface. However, if the application window was previously minimized to the notification area through the IMessengerWindow::Close method or user action, it might also be necessary to invoke the IMessengerWindow::Show method on the application window.

For the conversation window, use the IMessenger::InstantMessage method or one of its variants (for example, IMessenger::StartVoice method), which return a pointer to a pointer to the IDispatch interface on a new or existing MessengerWindow object.

To reference an existing MessengerWindow, use the return value of the methods used to invoke the window, such as the IMessenger::InstantMessage method or its variants.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  • Client
    Requires Microsoft DirectX 9.0, C Runtime libraries (msvcm80.dll) on Microsoft Windows© Vista, Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1) or later, or Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 (SP4). Any Communicator-imposed restrictions apply. .
  • Server
    Requires Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007, AV MCU (for Media Support), Media Relay (for NAT/Firewall traversal) on Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007.
  • Product
    Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 Automation API
  • IDL file

See Also

