Methods of ICertSrvSetup

The following methods are defined by the ICertSrvSetup interface. The property access methods are not shown here. To see the properties for ICertSrvSetup, see Properties of ICertSrvSetup.

Method Description
CAImportPFX Imports a Certification Authority (CA) certificate and its associated private key into the "LocalMachine" store.
GetCASetupProperty Gets a property value for a CA configuration.
GetExistingCACertificates Gets the collection of CCertSrvSetupKeyInformation objects that represent valid CA certificates currently installed on the computer.
GetHashAlgorithmList Gets the list of hash algorithms supported by the specified cryptographic service provider (CSP) for an asymmetric key signature algorithm.
GetKeyLengthList Gets the list of key lengths supported by the specified CSP.
GetPrivateKeyContainerList Gets the list of key container names stored by the specified CSP for asymmetric signature key algorithms.
GetProviderNameList Gets the list of CSPs that provide asymmetric key signature algorithms on the computer.
GetSupportedCATypes Gets the types of CAs that can be installed on a computer under the caller context.
InitializeDefaults Initializes a CCertSrvSetup object with default values to enable installation of a CA role.
Install Installs a CA role as configured in the CCertSrvSetup object.
IsPropertyEditable Indicates to the caller whether a specified property can be edited.
PostUnInstall Is not implemented and is reserved for future use.
PreUnInstall Temporarily saves role-specific state-information.
SetCADistinguishedName Sets a CA common name and an optional distinguished name suffix.
SetCASetupProperty Sets a property value for a CA configuration.
SetDatabaseInformation Sets the database related information for the CA role.
SetParentCAInformation Sets the parent CA information for a subordinate CA configuration.
SetWebCAInformation Sets the CA information for the CA Web Enrollment role.