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Tries to convert an XLREF12 into an XLREF.

BOOL ConvertXLRefToXLRef12(LPXLREF12 pxRef12, LPXLREF pxRef);


pxRef12 (LPXLREF12)

Pointer to the source reference structure.


Pointer to the target reference structure into which the converted value is to be placed.

Property Value/Return Value

TRUE if the conversion succeeded, FALSE otherwise.


The conversion from XLREF12 to XLREF fails if the supplied reference refers to part of a Microsoft Office Excel 2007 worksheet that is not supported in earlier versions.



BOOL ConvertXLRef12ToXLRef(LPXLREF12 pxref12, LPXLREF pxref)
   if (pxref12->rwLast >= pxref12->rwFirst && pxref12->colLast >= pxref12->colFirst)
      if (pxref12->rwFirst >=0 && pxref12->colFirst >= 0)
         if (pxref12->rwLast < rwMaxO8 && pxref12->colLast < colMaxO8)
            pxref->rwFirst = (WORD)pxref12->rwFirst;
            pxref->rwLast = (WORD)pxref12->rwLast;
            pxref->colFirst = (BYTE)pxref12->colFirst;
            pxref->colLast = (BYTE)pxref12->colLast;
            return TRUE;
   return FALSE;

See Also


Functions in the Framework Library