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Conversion routine used to convert from the new XLOPER12 to the old XLOPER.

BOOL XLOper12ToXLOper(LPXLOPER12 pxloper12, LPXLOPER pxloper);


pxloper12 (LPXLOPER12)

Pointer to the source XLOPER12 to be converted.

pxloper (LPXLOPER)

Pointer to the target XLOPER to contain the converted value.

Property Value/Return Value

TRUE if the conversion succeeded, FALSE otherwise.


Depending on the type of the XLOPER12, this function allocates a new memory buffer for the converted values, which are pointed to in the target XLOPER. The caller is responsible for freeing any memory associated with the copy if the conversion is a success; FreeXLOperT can be used, or it can be done directly by using free.

If the conversion fails, the caller does not need to free any memory.

Conversion from an XLOPER12 to an XLOPER can fail when the XLOPER12 contains an array or reference that is too large or a string that is too long for the XLOPER to contain.

XLOPER12 Unicode wide-character strings are converted to XLOPER ASCII byte strings in a way that is locale-dependent.

The XLOPER12xltypeInt is a 32-bit signed integer, whereas the XLOPERxltypeInt is a 16-bit signed integer. When a supplied XLOPER12 integer exceeds the limit of an XLOPER integer, the integer is converted to an 8-byte double and returned in an XLOPER of type xltypeNum. This is the only case in which this function changes the type of the converted XLOPER.


See the file \SAMPLES\FRAMEWRK\FRAMEWRK.C for the code for this function.

See Also


Functions in the Framework Library