Joining and Leaving Conferences

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After a local user schedules a conference on a Focus, the user must invite other users and then join the new conference. To join the newly scheduled conference, a user must have obtained a conference Focus URI for the active conference Focus. To invite a remote user to dial in to the new conference, a local conference inviter must provide the remote user with the conference Focus URI in a conference invitation. The conference creator obtains the URI when the local client handles the OnScheduleConference event. For information about inviting remote users to a conference, see Invite Users to a Conference.

The process of joining a conference is discussed in this section and illustrated using an audio conference example.

It is important to note that a single conference consists of an instance of IUccConferenceSession and an additional media session representing an MCU attached to the conference. The local user must be added to both of these sessions. The conference Focus is the remote participant of the IUccConferenceSession instance and a conference MCU is the remote participant of the media session. For information about connecting to conference MCU, see Obtain Conference Media.

An example is an IM conference that consists of two sessions. The first is the IUccConferenceSession and the second is an instance of IUccInstantMessagingSession where the remote participant is the IM MCU itself. If the conference presenter wants to add audio/video to this IM conference, each client must create a new audio/video session where the remote participant is an A/V MCU. After adding audio/video to an IM conference, each client now has three active sessions presenting the conference: IUccConferenceSession, IUccInstantMessagingSession, and IUccAudioVideoSession. The conference Focus or one of the conference MCUs is the remote participant in each of these sessions.

To join a conference, a Unified Communications Client API application needs to:

  1. Create an instance of IUccSession of type UCC_SESSION_TYPE.UCCST_CONFERENCE
  2. Submit an Enter request to join the conference. This method takes the conference URI as a string parameter.
  3. Create a new modality-specific session, using the modality conference MCU as the remote participant.
  4. Configure the endpoint media channels originating from the conference Focus. Note that your client does not configure media channels for an IM conference as the Focus does not require a media channel for IM.
  5. Enable the participant to participate in the conference using the provided conference media.
  6. Terminate the media session, leave the conference on behalf of the participant, or both.

The following sections illustrate these tasks.

In This Section

Join a Conference Session

Obtain Conference Media

Leave a Conference

See Also


Creating Conferences
Joining and Leaving Conferences