WSDAPI Troubleshooting Guide

The purpose of this guide is to help users troubleshoot failures encountered when using WSDAPI discovery APIs, when creating a WSDAPI host or device proxy, or when using operating system functions (such as Function Discovery or the Network Explorer) that rely on WSDAPI. The primary goal is to help troubleshoot when a client and host cannot see each other on the network.

For WSDAPI users, this guide contains information that will help you successfully troubleshoot a device proxy (using WSDCreateDeviceProxy), a discovery provider (using WSDCreateDiscoveryProvider), or a discovery publisher (using WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher).

This guide assumes that both the client and host can correctly interoperate with WSDAPI in a controlled environment. Accordingly, this guide is not intended to help troubleshoot DPWS stacks that may be generating improper WS messages. For information on testing interoperability with WSDAPI, see the WSDAPI Basic Interoperability Tool (WSDBIT) in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK).

Before you begin troubleshooting your application, you should familiarize yourself with Discovery and Metadata Exchange Message Patterns.

This guide contains the following sections.