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Office Communications Server 2007 Server SDK WMI Reference

Communications Server 2007 Server SDK Documentation

Office Communications Server 2007 Server SDK WMI Reference

The following are the Office Communications Server 2007 Server SDK Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) classes.

Name Description
MSFT_CWAServerSetting Identifies the TLS certificate information and activation state for a Communicator Web Access (CWA) server.
MSFT_CWASiteSetting Represents configuration and operation parameters for a Communicator Web Access (CWA) Web site.
MSFT_CWASupportedLanguage Specifies the language that is supported by a Communicator Web Access (CWA) server.
MSFT_SIPACPMCUSetting Specifies the listening address and port of an Audio Conferencing Provider (ACP) Media Control Unit (MCU).
MSFT_SIPAddressBookSetting Represents the configuration settings for a SIP address book.
MSFT_SIPApplicationPriorityList Defines the execution order of the applications installed on a computer running Office Communications Server.
MSFT_SIPApplicationSetting Defines the settings used to register a SIP application with an Office Communications Server.
MSFT_SIPArchivingServerSetting Specifies the computer running the Office Communications Server Archiving service.
MSFT_SIPAVMCUSetting Specifies the listening addresses and ports of an Audio/Video Media Control Unit (MCU).
MSFT_SIPClientVersionFilterData Defines a set of parameters which identify the clients that an Office Communications Server or pool supports.
MSFT_SIPClientVersionFilterSetting Specifies the set of filter parameters that an Office Communications Server or pool uses to identify clients.
MSFT_SIPConnectionTablesUpdateTimeSetting Identifies the last time that the server's connections limit and enhanced federation domains tables were updated.
MSFT_SIPDataComplianceSetting Specifies compliance policy settings for data exchange through a data Media Control Unit (MCU).
MSFT_SIPDataMCUCapabilitySetting Defines the data exchange capabilities, limits, and data storage locations for a data Media Control Unit (MCU).
MSFT_SIPDataMCUProxyServerData Specifies the Web Conferencing Edge Server FQDNs including the Internal FQDN that the internal Web Conferencing Server connects to and the External FQDN to which external users connect for Web Conferencing functionality.
MSFT_SIPDataMCUProxyServerPortSetting Specifies the TLS ports that are used by a Web Conferencing Edge Server.
MSFT_SIPDataMCUSetting Specifies the listening address and port of a data Media Control Unit (MCU).
MSFT_SIPDataProxySetting Identifies the TLS certificate issuer and server name for a Web Conferencing Edge Server.
MSFT_SIPDiagnosticFilterSetting Specifies optional URI and FQDN filters for logging components.
MSFT_SIPDiagnosticHeader Permits the proprietary ms-diagnostics header to be included in messages sent to federated partners and unauthenticated users.
MSFT_SIPDiagnosticTracingSetting Used to dynamically query, start, or stop tracing for a component.
MSFT_SIPDomainData Defines an entry in the list of domains served by running Office Communications Server, and indicates whether the domain is used to create Globally Routable User Agent URIs (GRUU).
MSFT_SIPEdgeProxySetting Specifies an Access Edge Server that is allowed to connect to a Front End pool.
MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting Specifies the IP addresses and ports associated with Edge Server services.
MSFT_SIPEnhancedFederationConnectionLimitsData Represents information about open federation partners who have been classified as suspicious by the Access Edge Server.
MSFT_SIPEnhancedFederationDomainData Represents the last time traffic was received from the specified domain.
MSFT_SIPEsEmSetting Defines the pool level settings for Office Communications Server User Services component.
MSFT_SIPESGlobalRegistrarSetting Defines the global settings for searching the registrar.
MSFT_SIPESGlobalSearchSetting Defines the settings for the Office Communications Server registrar, including SPOP/MPOP availability and various expiry settings.
MSFT_SIPESServerSetting Defines the specific Office Communications Server settings that pertain to enterprise services.
MSFT_SIPESTrustedServerSetting Represents a member of the list of trusted servers for the domain.
MSFT_SIPESUserACEData Defines SIP-level allow and block access for a homed Office Communications Server user.
MSFT_SIPESUserContactData Specifies a contact for an Office Communications Server user.
MSFT_SIPESUserContactGroupData Defines the settings for a contact group that is associated with a specific Office Communications Server user.
MSFT_SIPESUserSetting Defines the settings for a specific Active Directory user in the context of SIP.
MSFT_SIPFederationDeniedDomainSetting Specifies domains that are blocked from connecting to an Access Edge Server. Any connection from or to this domain will be dropped.
MSFT_SIPFederationExternalEdgeListeningAddressSetting Provides certificate data for the listening port(s) on the external edge of an Access Edge Server.
MSFT_SIPFederationExternalEdgeSetting Exposes properties for configuring the external edge of an Access Edge Server.
MSFT_SIPFederationInternalDomainData Lists the domains within an organization for which this Access Edge Server will route messages.
MSFT_SIPFederationInternalEdgeListeningAddressSetting Provides certificate data for the listening port on the internal edge of an Access Edge Server.
MSFT_SIPFederationInternalEdgeSetting Exposes properties for configuring the internal edge of an Access Edge Server.
MSFT_SIPFederationInternalServerData Lists all internal trusted servers in the enterprise.
MSFT_SIPFederationNetworkProviderTable Lists the IM service providers that are listed in the IM service providers table on an Access Edge Server. This class also provides properties used to configure each IM service provider.
MSFT_SIPFederationPartnerTable Lists the domains that are allowed partners.
MSFT_SIPForwardingProxySetting Specifies the Forwarding Proxy Server to which a pool connects.
MSFT_SIPGlobalArchivingSetting Defines the global archiving settings for users.
MSFT_SIPGlobalCDRSetting Defines the global Call Detail Records (CDR) settings for users.
MSFT_SIPGlobalFederationSetting Defines the default route and port of a Director or an Access Edge Server (if a Director is not deployed) to which internal servers route all federated communications.
MSFT_SIPGlobalMeetingPolicyData Defines a global meeting policy.
MSFT_SIPGlobalMeetingSetting Specifies the meeting policy that is globally enforced when scheduling a meeting.
MSFT_SIPGlobalPolicyXMLData Represents the XML-formatted equivalent of MSFT_SIPGlobalMeetingPolicyData.
MSFT_SIPGlobalUCPolicyData Defines a global Enterprise Voice policy.
MSFT_SIPGlobalUCSetting Specifies the Enterprise Voice policy that is globally enforced when participating in a unified communications session.
MSFT_SIPGroupExpansionSetting Specifies settings of the Office Communications Server group expansion Web service.
MSFT_SIPIIMFilterFileFilterSetting Specifies the action to perform for a file transfer request during an IM session.
MSFT_SIPIIMFilterUrlFilterSetting Specifies the action to perform on IM messages that contain a URL.
MSFT_SIPIMMCUSetting Specifies the IP address and port associated with an Instant Message Media Control Unit (MCU).
MSFT_SIPListeningAddressData Defines a listening address on the Office Communications Server.
MSFT_SIPLoadedExtensionModuleElement Defines an element that indicates the status of the Office Communications User Services (registrar).
MSFT_SIPLocalNormalizationRuleData Defines an element that is used by the location profile to normalize a number for external dialing.
MSFT_SIPLocationProfileData Specifies a collection of normalization rules used to normalize a phone number based on the caller's location profile.
MSFT_SIPLoggingToolSetting Specifies the configuration file path, the log file path, and the debug session owner for a Office Communications Server 2007 Logging Tool session.
MSFT_SIPLogOptions Defines the options available to the Office Communications Server Archiving service.
MSFT_SIPLogServiceSetting Defines an instance of the Archiving service, which logs SIP messages sent to it by the archiving agent running on the Office Communications Server.
MSFT_SIPLogSetting Defines the settings for the loaded instance of the logging-specific extension module on the Office Communications Server.
MSFT_SIPMCUFactorySetting Defines a Media Control Unit (MCU) factory to manage MCUs.
MSFT_SIPMCUSetting Exposes the settings for a specified Media Control Unit (MCU).
MSFT_SIPMediaRelayNetworkInterfaceData Exposes the networking settings for a Media Relay on an Audio/Video Edge Server.
MSFT_SIPMediaRelaySetting Exposes the settings for a Media Relay on an Audio/Video Edge Server.
MSFT_SIPMediationServerConfigSetting Exposes the locally stored configuration settings for a Mediation Server.
MSFT_SIPMediationServerSetting Exposes the configuration settings that are stored in Active Directory for a Mediation Server.
MSFT_SIPMeetingInviteSetting Specifies settings that are sent as part of a meeting invite.
MSFT_SIPMeetingScheduleSetting Specifies per-user meeting limits for users in a specified pool.
MSFT_SIPPhoneRouteData Associates a normalized number with one or more gateways or phone route usage policies.
MSFT_SIPPhoneRouteUsageData Associates one or more phone route usage policies with a phone route, which is used to enforce dialing policies.
MSFT_SIPPoolConfigSetting Specifies the Network Address Translation (NAT) settings for a pool.
MSFT_SIPPoolSetting Defines an Office Communications Server Enterprise Edition pool or Standard Edition pool.
MSFT_SIPProxySecuritySetting Defines the security provider and realm for the server or pool.
MSFT_SIPProxySetting Defines the settings for a SIP proxy server.
MSFT_SIPRemoteAddressData Provides configuration data for a remote trusted server.
MSFT_SIPRoutingSetting Defines the transport protocol for DNS-routed messages, and contains the default port for TLS connections.
MSFT_SIPRoutingTableData Defines a single static route entry in the Office Communications Server routing table.
MSFT_SIPServerInstalledComponentData Specifies the name and instance ID of an Office Communications Server 2007 component that is installed on the computer.
MSFT_SIPTrustedMCUSetting Represents an entry for a trusted Media Control Unit (MCU).
MSFT_SIPTrustedMRASServer Represents an entry for a trusted Media Relay Authentication Service (MRAS) server.
MSFT_SIPTrustedServiceSetting Represents an entry for a trusted Globally Routable User Agent URI (GRUU) service type.
MSFT_SIPTrustedWebComponentsServerSetting Represents an entry for a trusted Web Components server.
MSFT_SIPUCPhoneConfigSetting Specifies the configuration settings for a UC device.
MSFT_SIPUpdatesServerSetting Specifies the URLs from which Microsoft Office Communicator Phone Edition devices, Microsoft Roundtable communications and archival system devices, and their supporting servers can download software updates.
MSFT_SIPUserReplicatorSetting Specifies how often the User Replicator synchronizes with the Active Directory directory service.
MSFT_SIPVersion Specifies the version of Office Communications Server.
MSFT_SIPVoIPEncryptionSetting Specifies the encryption settings for enterprise voice.
MSFT_SIPWebComponentsServerSetting Represents an entry for a trusted Office Communications Server 2007 Web Components server.
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