IFsrmFileScreenTemplateManager::ImportTemplates method (fsrmscreen.h)

Imports the specified file screen templates from an XML string.


HRESULT ImportTemplates(
  [in]  BSTR                       serializedFileScreenTemplates,
  [in]  VARIANT                    *fileScreenTemplateNamesArray,
  [out] IFsrmCommittableCollection **fileScreenTemplates


[in] serializedFileScreenTemplates

An XML string that represents one or more file screen templates.

[in] fileScreenTemplateNamesArray

A VARIANT that contains a SAFEARRAY of the names of the templates to import. If NULL, the method imports all templates.

[out] fileScreenTemplates

An IFsrmCommittableCollection interface that contains a collection of file screen templates.

Each item of the collection is a VARIANT of type VT_DISPATCH. Query the pdispVal member of the variant for the IFsrmFileScreenTemplateImported interface.

To add the templates to FSRM, call the IFsrmCommittableCollection::Commit method. To add the templates to FSRM and propagate the changes to objects that were derived from the template, call the IFsrmFileScreenTemplateImported::CommitAndUpdateDerived method on each item in the collection.

Return value

The method returns the following return values.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header fsrmscreen.h
DLL SrmSvc.dll

See also

