GPMPermissionType enumeration (gpmgmt.h)

GPMPermissionType defines the categories, permissions included in the categories, and the object to which they can be applied.


typedef enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_gpmgmt_0000_0000_0002 {
  permGPOApply = 0x10000,
  permGPORead = 0x10100,
  permGPOEdit = 0x10101,
  permGPOEditSecurityAndDelete = 0x10102,
  permGPOCustom = 0x10103,
  permWMIFilterEdit = 0x20000,
  permWMIFilterFullControl = 0x20001,
  permWMIFilterCustom = 0x20002,
  permSOMLink = 0x1c0000,
  permSOMLogging = 0x180100,
  permSOMPlanning = 0x180200,
  permSOMWMICreate = 0x100300,
  permSOMWMIFullControl = 0x100301,
  permSOMGPOCreate = 0x100400,
  permStarterGPORead = 0x30500,
  permStarterGPOEdit = 0x30501,
  permStarterGPOFullControl = 0x30502,
  permStarterGPOCustom = 0x30503,
  permSOMStarterGPOCreate = 0x100500
} GPMPermissionType;


Value: 0x10000
The trustee can apply the GPO; corresponds to the READ and APPLY Group Policy access rights being set to "Allow" for a user.
Value: 0x10100
The trustee can read the GPO; corresponds to the READ Group Policy access right set to "Allow" for a user.
Value: 0x10101
The trustee can read and edit the policy settings for the GPO; corresponds to the READ, WRITE, CREATE CHILD OBJECT, and DELETE CHILD OBJECT Group Policy access rights set to "Allow" for a user.
Value: 0x10102
The trustee can read, edit and delete the permissions for the GPO; corresponds to the Group Policy access rights specified by permGPOEdit plus the DELETE, MODIFY PERMISSIONS, and MODIFY OWNER access rights set to "Allow" for a user.
Value: 0x10103
The trustee has custom permissions for the GPO.
Value: 0x20000
The trustee can edit the WMI filter.
Value: 0x20001
The trustee has full control over the WMI filter.
Value: 0x20002
The trustee has custom permissions for the WMI filter.
Value: 0x1c0000
he trustee can link GPOs to the SOM. Applies to sites, domains and OUs.
Value: 0x180100
The trustee can generate RSoP logging data for the SOM. Applies to domains and OUs.
Value: 0x180200
The trustee can generate RSoP planning data for the SOM. Applies to domains and OUs.
Value: 0x100300
The trustee can create WMI filters in the domain. Applies to domains only.
Value: 0x100301
The trustee has full control over all WMI filters in the domain. Applies to domains only.
Value: 0x100400
The trustee can create GPOs in the domain. Applies to domains only.
Value: 0x30500
The trustee can read the Starter GPO; corresponds to the READ Group Policy access right set to "Allow" for a user.
Value: 0x30501
The trustee can read and edit the administrative template policy settings for the Starter GPO; corresponds to the READ, WRITE, CREATE CHILD OBJECT, and DELETE CHILD OBJECT Group Policy access rights set to "Allow" for a user.
Value: 0x30502
The trustee has full control for the Starter GPO. Applies to domains only.
Value: 0x30503
The trustee has custom permissions for the Starter GPO.
Value: 0x100500
The trustee can create Starter GPOs in the domain. Applies to domains only.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Header gpmgmt.h