Personal Information Exchange Functions

Each of the following sections discusses a function exported by Xenroll.dll to manage Personal Information Exchange (PFX) messages. Each section also discusses how to use CertEnroll.dll to replace the function or indicates that no mapping between the two libraries exists.


The createFilePFXWStr function in Xenroll.dll saves a certificate chain and private key in a file by using the PFX format.

The CertEnroll.dll library does not directly implement functionality to copy the PFX message to a file. You can, however, use the CreatePFX method on the IX509Enrollment interface to create an encoded PFX message and write a custom function to save the message in a file.


The createPFXWStr function in Xenroll.dll saves a certificate chain and private key in a PFX format string.

You can use the CreatePFX method on the IX509Enrollment interface to create an encoded PFX message that contains the certificate chain and key. You can specify a password, export options, and encoding type. To retrieve a string that is equivalent to that returned from createPFXWStr, pass the XCN_CRYPT_STRING_BINARY flag in the in the Encoding parameter of the CreatePFX method.

Mapping Xenroll.dll to CertEnroll.dll
