IOfflineFilesItemFilter::GetFilterFlags method (cscobj.h)

Provides flags to control flag-based filtering of items.


HRESULT GetFilterFlags(
  [out] ULONGLONG *pullFlags,
  [out] ULONGLONG *pullMask


[out] pullFlags

Receives the Offline Files Filter Flags bit values to be used in the filter evaluation.

A bit value of 1 means that the corresponding data condition in the item must be TRUE for a filter match. A bit value of 0 means the corresponding data condition in the item must be FALSE for a filter match.

[out] pullMask

Receives the Offline Files Filter Flags bit values identifying which flags are to be evaluated.

A bit value of 1 means "evaluate the corresponding data" while a bit value of 0 means "do not evaluate the corresponding data."

Return value

Returns S_OK if the filter supports flag filtering and the flag filtering information is provided.

Returns E_NOTIMPL if flag filtering is not supported.

Any other error value causes the creation of the enumerator to fail.


The combination of bit value and bitmask produces a relatively flexible mechanism for including and excluding items from enumeration. For example, if the OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_FILTER_FLAG_DIRECTORY flag is set in both the pullFlags and pullMask parameters, the matching item must be a directory. If the OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_FILTER_FLAG_DIRECTORY flag is set in the pullMask parameter but is not set in the pullFlags parameter, the matching item must not be a directory.

This method can be implemented in any filter type (inclusion or exclusion) or filter target (file or container).


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header cscobj.h
DLL CscSvc.dll; CscObj.dll

See also
