IEnumOfflineFilesItems interface (cscobj.h)

Represents a collection of IOfflineFilesItem interface pointers.


The IEnumOfflineFilesItems interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. IEnumOfflineFilesItems also has these types of members:


The IEnumOfflineFilesItems interface has these methods.


Creates a new instance of the enumerator with the same enumeration state as the current one. (IEnumOfflineFilesItems.Clone)

Retrieves the next item in the enumeration and advances the enumerator. (IEnumOfflineFilesItems.Next)

Resets the enumeration to the beginning. (IEnumOfflineFilesItems.Reset)

Skips over the next specified number of elements in the enumeration. (IEnumOfflineFilesItems.Skip)


To obtain an instance of this interface, first obtain an instance of IOfflineFilesItemContainer using QueryInterface on an instance of one of the following interfaces:

Note  The IOfflineFilesItemContainer interface is only valid for directory, server, and share items. If QueryInterface is called for the IOfflineFilesItemContainer interface on a file item (an instance of the IOfflineFilesFileItem interface), it will fail with E_NOINTERFACE.
For a code example that shows how to use the IEnumOfflineFilesItems interface, see IOfflineFilesItemContainer::EnumItems.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header cscobj.h

See also

Offline Files API Interfaces