NetDfsMove function (lmdfs.h)

Renames or moves a DFS link.


  [in] LPWSTR OldDfsEntryPath,
  [in] LPWSTR NewDfsEntryPath,
  [in] ULONG  Flags


[in] OldDfsEntryPath

Pointer to a string that specifies the source path for the move operation. This value must be a DFS link or the path prefix of any DFS link in the DFS namespace.

[in] NewDfsEntryPath

Pointer to a string that specifies the destination path for the move operation. This value must be a path or a DFS link in the same DFS namespace.

[in] Flags

A set of flags that describe actions to take when moving the link.


If the destination path is already an existing DFS link, replace it as part of the move operation.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is NERR_Success.

If the function fails, the return value is a system error code. For a list of error codes, see System Error Codes.


The NetDfsMove function conveniently moves a link from an old name to a new one. In the past, it has been necessary to perform the non-trivial action of deleting an incorrect or old link and creating a new one, which becomes cumbersome when the link has a significant number of targets or has per-target properties (like priority) set. It is also common for administrators to regularly rename or move links.

DFS paths supplied to NetDfsMove can be either an actual DFS link or just a DFS link path prefix. Wildcards are not allowed and only absolute paths can be specified. Relative paths and special path name syntax (such as "." or "..") are not allowed.

When a DFS link path prefix is specified instead of a complete DFS path, the move operation is performed on all DFS links which contain that prefix. Therefore, a single call to NetDfsMove can "move" multiple links. However, the path prefix must resolve to at least one valid DFS link or the move operation will fail.

The following examples demonstrate different move operations and the results.

    • Old path: \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir1\dir2\link1
    • New path: \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir1\dir2\link2
    After the move, \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir1\dir2\link1 is replaced with \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir1\dir2\link2.
    • Old path: \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir1\dir2\link1
    • New path: \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir3\dir4\dir5\link2
    After the move, \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir1\dir2\link1 is replaced with \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir3\dir4\dir5\link2. Note that both the leaf and non-leaf components have been renamed, and that the number of components in the new path has changed.
    • Old path: \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir1
    • New path: \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir3
    After the move, all links prefixed with \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir1 have that prefix replaced with \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir3. Therefore, \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir1\dir2\link1 and \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir1\dir2\link2 are now \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir3\dir2\link1 and \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir3\dir2\link1, respectively.
    • Old path: \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir1
    • New path: \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare
    After the move, all links prefixed with \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir1 have that prefix replaced with \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare. Therefore, \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir1\dir2\link1 and \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir1\dir2\link2 are now \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir2\link1 and \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir2\link1, respectively.
If the new path already has an existing entry, DFS_MOVE_FLAG_REPLACE_IF_EXISTS must be specified if the new path should overwrite the old one. When this flag is set, the collided path is deleted and replaced by the new link. Note that any operation which can potentially result in DFS links that completely overlap will fail, whether or not DFS_MOVE_FLAG_REPLACE_IF_EXISTS is specified. For example:
  • Existing links: \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir1\link1, \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\link3
  • Old path:\\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\dir1
  • New path: \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\link3
If the move operation were allowed to succeed, the result would be two completely overlapping links: \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\link3\link1 and \\MyDfsServer\MyDfsShare\link3. Therefore, the move operation must fail.

With domain-based DFS servers, the move operation is atomic; that is, either the whole operation is performed or it fails. However, with stand-alone DFS servers, the move operation is not guaranteed to be atomic. In this situation, a failure may result in a partially completed move operation and will require cleanup on behalf of the calling application.

When the move operation succeeds, it is guaranteed that the DFS metadata was successfully modified. This does not guarantee that the DFS links were actually created on the root targets or that DFS links can be created on the root targets' storage.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header lmdfs.h (include LmDfs.h, Lm.h)
Library Netapi32.lib
DLL Netapi32.dll

See also

Distributed File System (DFS) Functions

Network Management Functions

Network Management Overview