PaletteWidth Property [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Gets or sets the width of a palette in pixels.

intRet = object**.PaletteWidth**

object**.PaletteWidth** = intValue

intRet     Integer. Contains the width in pixels.

object     Required. An expression that returns an object in the Applies to list.

intValue     Required Integer. Contains the width in pixels.

Version added



A palette, like a toolbar, is organized horizontally, and items wrap to a new row if there is not enough horizontal space available. By default, only the icons of the items are shown.


This example shows how to use the PaletteWidth property to set the width of a palette on a custom toolbar. The example adds a custom toolbar to the Toolbars collection and then adds a button to the toolbar. The toolbar appears in the Microsoft Office Visio user interface and is available while the document is active.

To restore the built-in toolbars in Visio after you run this macro, call the ThisDocument.ClearCustomToolbars method.

Sub PaletteWidth_Example1()
    Dim vsoUIObject As Visio.UIObject 
    Dim vsoToolbars As Visio.Toolbars 
    Dim vsoToolbar As Visio.Toolbar 
    Dim vsoToolbarItems As Visio.ToolbarItems 
    Dim vsoToolbarItem As Visio.ToolbarItem
    'Check whether there are document custom toolbars.
    If ThisDocument.CustomToolbars Is Nothing Then

        'Check whether there are application custom toolbars.
        If Visio.Application.CustomToolbars Is Nothing Then

            'Use the built-in toolbars.
            Set vsoUIObject = Visio.Application.BuiltInToolbars(0)

            'Use the application custom toolbars.
            Set vsoUIObject = Visio.Application.CustomToolbars.Clone
        End If

        'Use the document custom toolbars.
        Set vsoUIObject = ThisDocument.CustomToolbars 

    End If
    'Get the Toolbars collection for the drawing window context.
    Set vsoToolbars = vsoUIObject.ToolbarSets.ItemAtID( _ 

    'Add a toolbar to the collection.
    Set vsoToolbar = vsoToolbars.Add 
    With vsoToolbar 

        'Set the title of the toolbar. 
        .Caption = "My New Toolbar" 

        'Float the toolbar at coordinates (300,200). 
        .Position = Visio.visBarFloating 
        .Left = 300 
        .Top = 200 

        'Disallow docking the new toolbar. 
        .Protection = Visio.visBarNoHorizontalDock _ 
            + Visio.visBarNoVerticalDock 

    End With  

    'Add an item to the toolbar.
    Set vsoToolbarItem = vsoToolbar.ToolbarItems.Add 
    With vsoToolbarItem 

        'Set the new item to be a button.
        'Because the CmdNum property isn't specified, 
        'the button type defaults to palette. 
        .CntrlType = Visio.visCtrlTypeBUTTON 

        'Set the icon of the new button. 
        .FaceID = Visio.visIconIXCUSTOM_CARDS 

        'Make the button wide enough that 
        'we can read the toolbar name. 
        .Width = 150 

        'Set the PaletteWidth property of the new button. 
        .PaletteWidth = 50 

    End With 

    'Add some buttons to the palette.
    Set vsoToolbarItems = vsoToolbarItem.ToolbarItems 
    With vsoToolbarItems.Add 
        .FaceID = Visio.visIconIXCUSTOM_SPADE 
        .CmdNum = Visio.visCmdFileSave 
    End With 
    With vsoToolbarItems.Add 
        .FaceID = Visio.visIconIXCUSTOM_DIAMOND 
        .CmdNum = Visio.visCmdFilePrint 
    End With 
    With vsoToolbarItems.Add 
        .FaceID = Visio.visIconIXCUSTOM_CLUB 
        .CmdNum = Visio.visCmdToolsRunVBE 
    End With 
    With vsoToolbarItems.Add 
        .FaceID = Visio.visIconIXCUSTOM_HEART 
        .CmdNum = Visio.visCmdToolsMacroDlg 
    End With 

    'Use the new UIObject object while
    'this document is active. 
    ThisDocument.SetCustomToolbars vsoUIObject 

End Sub

Applies to | Menu object | MenuItem object | ToolbarItem object