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IVsaSite Interface

Enables communication between the host and the script engine. This interface is implemented by the host.

public: __interface IVsaSite;
public interface IVsaSite;
Public Interface IVsaSite


The IVsaSite interface has no properties.


The following table shows the methods of the IVsaSite interface.




Gets the compiled state of a script engine, and, optionally, associated debugging information.


Gets a reference to an event source previously added to a script engine using the IVsaCodeItem.AddEventSource method.


Gets a reference to a global item, such as the host-provided application object.


Notifies the host about events generated by the .NET script engine.


Notifies the host about how to respond to compiler errors encountered by the script engine.


IVsaSite provides for host-implemented callbacks, describes interaction between the engine and the host's object model, and allows the reporting of compilation errors.

The IVsaSite interface is implemented by the host, not the script engine. Each instance of a script engine maps to a specific host, and each instance of a script engine must have a host-implemented IVsaSite object.

A default implementation of the IVsaSite interface is provided in Microsoft.Vsa.BaseVsaSite, which is available on the Visual Studio for Applications SDK. BaseVsaSite implements all the IVsaSite methods and exposes two additional properties for languages that don't support reference parameters. You can derive from this class to provide specific functionality.


DLL: Microsoft.Vsa.dll

See Also


IVsaEngine Interface

IVsaPersistSite Interface

IVsaCodeItem.AddEventSource Method