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Microsoft.SPOT.Input Namespace

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Supports the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) input system.


  Class Description
Public class ButtonDevice Represents a hardware device that has buttons on it to input data.
Public class ButtonEventArgs Provides data for a button input event.
Public class Buttons Represents the buttons on an input device.
Public class FocusChangedEventArgs Provides data for an event that occurs when an input device's button focus moves to a different display element.
Public class GenericDevice Represents a generic input device to the members of a context.
Public class GenericEventArgs Contains data related to a generic event generated on an input device.
Public class GenericEvents Provides data for standard generic routed events that are input-related.
Public class InputDevice Represents a device for input.
Public class InputEventArgs Provides data for input-related routed events.
Public class InputManager Manages all of the input systems.
Public class InputManager. . :: . .DeviceEvents Defines events for InputManager.
Public class InputProviderSite Represents the intermediary between an input provider and the input manager.
Public class InputReport Represents an input to InputProviderSite and InputManager objects.
Public class InputReportArgs Contains event data.
Public class InputReportEventArgs Provides data for an event that occurs when the input manager receives an input report from an input provider site.
Public class NotifyInputEventArgs Provides data for raw input being processed by the input manager.
Public class PreProcessInputEventArgs Provides data for preprocess input events.
Public class ProcessInputEventArgs Provides data for postprocess input events.
Public class RawButtonInputReport Represents a button device's input to InputProviderSite and InputManager objects.
Public class RawGenericInputReport Encapsulates raw generic input data.
Public class RawTouchInputReport Encapsulates raw touch-input or stylus-input data.
Public class StagingAreaInputItem Encapsulates an input for entry in the staging area.
Public class TouchCapture Captures touch or stylus events.
Public class TouchDevice Represents a touch or stylus device to the members of a context.
Public class TouchEventArgs Contains data related to touch (or stylus) events.
Public class TouchEvents Contains routed event fields that provide information about a combination of down, move and up touch or stylus events.
Public class TouchGestureEventArgs Contains data related to touch or stylus gestures.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate ButtonEventHandler Represents the method that handles button-related input events.
Public delegate FocusChangedEventHandler Represents the method that handles an event that occurs when the focus changes.
Public delegate GenericEventHandler Represents the delegate that handles a generic event.
Public delegate InputEventHandler Represents the method that handles input-related events.
Public delegate InputReportEventHandler Supports the infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public delegate NotifyInputEventHandler Represents the method that handles notify input events for the input manager.
Public delegate PreProcessInputEventHandler Represents the method that handles preprocess input events.
Public delegate ProcessInputEventHandler Represents the method that handles process input events.
Public delegate TouchEventHandler Defines the syntax of methods that handle touch (or stylus) events.
Public delegate TouchGestureEventHandler Defines the syntax of methods that handle touch gesture events.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ButtonState Specifies the state of a button's input.
Public enumeration CaptureMode Defines values used to describe the different modes in which input events can be captured.
Public enumeration InputManager. . :: . .InputDeviceType Defines categories of input devices.
Public enumeration RawButtonActions Specifies the current raw action of a button.
Public enumeration RawTouchActions Defines values used to categorize raw touch or stylus actions.
Public enumeration TouchGesture Categorizes a touch or stylus movement.