Sys.UI.DomEvent Methods




Sys.UI.DomEvent Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the DomEvent class.

Sys.UI.DomEvent addHandler Method

Provides a method to add a DOM event handler to the element that exposes the event.

Sys.UI.DomEvent addHandlers Method

Adds a list of DOM event handlers to the element that exposes the event.

Sys.UI.DomEvent clearHandlers Method

Removes all event handlers from the specified element.

Sys.UI.DomEvent preventDefault Method

Prevents the default event action from happening.

Sys.EventHandlerList.removeHandler Method

Provides a method to remove a DOM event handler from the element that exposes the event.

Sys.UI.DomEvent stopPropagation Method

Prevents an event from being propagated to parent elements.

See Also


Sys.UI.DomEvent Class