BaseMesh.GenerateAdjacency(Single,Int32[]) Method (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D)

Generates adjacency information based on mesh indices.


Visual Basic Public Sub GenerateAdjacency( _
    ByVal epsilon As Single, _
    ByVal adjacency() As Integer _
C# public void GenerateAdjacency(
    float epsilon,
    int[] adjacency
C++ public:
void GenerateAdjacency(
    float epsilon,
    array<int>^ adjacency
JScript public function GenerateAdjacency(
    epsilon : float,
    adjacency : int[]


epsilon System.Single
Specifies that vertices that differ in position by less than epsilon should be treated as coincident.
adjacency System.Int32[]
Array of three Int32Leave Site values per face to be filled with adjacent face indices. The size of this array must be at least 3 * BaseMesh.NumberFaces.


The GenerateAdjacency method determines which patches are adjacent (within the provided tolerance). This information is used internally to optimize tessellation.



The method call is invalid. For example, a method's parameter might contain an invalid value.

OutOfMemoryExceptionLeave Site

Microsoft Direct3D could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the call.

Applies To

Mesh, ProgressiveMesh