Accessing the Master Product List

Outlook Developer Reference
Accessing the Master Product List

You can access master product list elements programmatically by inserting the approprate set or get call in your application. Use the XML format defined in the next section in place of XMLstring.

To set and get the master product list from a C# application:

  string XMLString = "..." // Set this to the desired value in the XML format shown below;

bcmRootFolder.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty("", XMLstring);

XMLString = bcmRootFolder.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty("").ToString();

Where bcmRootFolder is:

  Folder bcmRootFolder = (Folder)folders["Business Contact Manager"]; 

To set and get the master product list from a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) application:

  XMLString = "..." 'Set this to the desired value in the XML format shown below

bcmRootFolder.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty "", XMLString

XMLString = bcmRootFolder.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty("")

Where bcmRootFolder is:

  Set bcmRootFolder = olFolders("Business Contact Manager") 

XML Format

The following code shows the XML format of the master product list.

  <ArrayOfBCMMasterProduct xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <Description>description of product1</Description> 

See Also

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