Designing Outlook Workgroup Solutions

With Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, you can create a variety of workgroup solutions and forms. You can create simple forms with no programming involved or create advanced forms by using custom controls, properties, and Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript). You can also use form regions. Separate form regions are individual pages that can be added to a standard Outlook form, or that can be used to create a new custom form based on a standard Outlook form. Learn more about form regions.

There are a few basic approaches to creating Outlook solutions. One method is to modify an existing item, such as a contact entry or e-mail message, by adding additional pages and fields. With this method, you can extend the use of the item by adding the fields and pages you need without writing any code. To create advanced forms, you can use the Control Toolbox and VBScript to access properties, events, methods, and objects within Outlook.

What method do you want to use?