New Members and Constants

PowerPoint Developer Reference

New Members

The following properties, methods, and events have been added to existing objects in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007.


Properties Description
ActiveEncryptionSession Represents the encryption session associated with the active presentation. Read-only.
Assistance Gets a reference to the Microsoft Office IAssistance object, which provides a means for developers to create a customized help experience for users within Microsoft Office. Read-only.
DisplayDocumentInformationPanel Returns or sets whether the Document Properties panel is displayed in the Microsoft Office PowerPoint user interface. Read/Write.
Methods Description
LaunchPublishSlidesDialog Displays the Publish Slides dialog box in the Microsoft Office PowerPoint user interface and populates the Publish To box with the specified slide-library-URL string.
Events Description
SlideShowOnNext Occurs when the user clicks Next to move within the current slide.
SlideShowOnPrevious Occurs when the user clicks Previous to move within the current slide.


Properties Description
ObjectThemeColor Returns or sets the theme color of the specified ColorFormat object. Read/write.


Methods Description
Clear Clears the extra colors in a presentation.


Properties Description
GradientStops Returns the GradientStops collection associated with the specified fill format. Read-only.
RotateWithObject Returns or sets whether the fill rotates with the specified shape. Read/write.
TextureAlignment Returns or sets the alignment (the origin of the coordinate grid) for the tiling of the texture fill. Read/write.
TextureHorizontalScale Returns or sets the horizontal scaling factor for the texture fill. Read/write.
TextureOffsetX Returns or sets the horizontal offset of the texture from the origin in points. Read/write.
TextureOffsetY Returns or sets the vertical offset of the texture from the origin in points. Read/write.
TextureTile Returns or sets whether the texture fill is tiled or centered. Read/write.
TextureVerticalScale Returns or sets the vertical scaling factor for the texture fill. Read/write.


Methods Description
BreakLink Breaks the link between the source file and the specified OLE object, picture, or linked field.


Properties Description
BackgroundStyle Sets or returns the background style of the specified object. Read/write.
CustomerData Returns a CustomerData object. Read-only.
CustomLayouts Returns a CustomLayouts object representing the custom layouts associated with the presentation design of the specified Master object. Read-only.
Theme Returns a Theme object representing the theme used by the specified slide master, title master, handout master, notes master, or design master. Read-only.
Methods Description
ApplyTheme Applies a theme or design template to the specified slide master, title master, handout master, notes master, or design master.


Properties Description
DoNotPromptForConvert Returns or sets whether to prompt the user to convert a presentation that contains features that are not supported by versions of PowerPoint earlier than Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007. Read/write.


Properties Description
ContainedType Returns the type of the shape that contains the specified placeholder format. Read-only.
Name Returns or sets the name of the specified object. Read/write.


Methods Description
FindByName Finds the placeholder in the Placeholders collection at the specified index location or with the specified name.


Properties Description
ContentTypeProperties Returns the Microsoft Office MetaProperties collection that describes the metadata stored in the presentation. Read-only.
CustomerData Returns a CustomerData object. Read-only.
CustomXMLParts Returns a CustomXMLParts object.
DocumentInspectors Returns the Microsoft Office DocumentInspectors collection. Read-only.
EncryptionProvider Returns a String that specifies the name of the algorithm encryption provider that Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 uses when encrypting documents. Read/write.
Final Determines whether the presentation is marked as final (read-only). Read/write.
HasVBProject Returns whether the active presentation contains a Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) project. Read-only.
Research Returns a Research object that provides access to the research service feature of Microsoft Office PowerPoint. Read-only.
ServerPolicy Returns a Microsoft Office ServerPolicy object. Read-only.
Methods Description
ApplyTheme Applies a theme or design template to the specified presentation.
CheckInWithVersion Returns a presentation from a local computer to a server, and sets the local file to read-only so that it cannot be edited locally.
Convert Converts a diagram to a different diagram type.
ExportAsFixedFormat Publishes a copy of a Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation as a file in a fixed format, either PDF or XPS.
GetWorkflowTasks Returns the Microsoft Office WorkflowTasks collection.
GetWorkflowTemplates Returns the Microsoft Office WorkflowTemplates collection.
LockServerFile Locks the presentation on the Microsoft Office SharePoint server to prevent its modification.
Open2007 Opens the specified presentation and provides the option to repair the presentation file. Returns a Presentation object that represents the opened presentation.
PublishSlides Creates a Web presentation (HTML format) containing slides from any loaded presentation. You can view the published presentation in a Web browser.
RemoveDocumentInformation Removes document information, such as personal information, comments, and document properties, from a Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation.


Properties Description
RotateWithShape Returns or sets whether the specified shadow rotates when the shape it is associated with rotates. Read/write.
Size Returns or sets the size of the specified shadow as a percentage of the shape size, from 0 to 200. Read/write.
Style Returns or sets the shadow style. Read/write.
Blur Returns or sets the blur radius of the specified shadow, in points. Read/write.


Properties Description
BackgroundStyle Sets or returns the background style of the specified object. Read/write.
CustomerData Returns a CustomerData object. Read-only.
Glow Returns the glow format for the specified shape. Read-only.
HasChart Returns whether the shape represented by the specified object contains a chart. Read-only.
Reflection Returns the reflection format for the specified shape. Read-only.
ShapeStyle Sets or returns the shape style index for the specified object. Read/write.
SoftEdge Returns the soft edge format for the specified shape. Read-only.
TextFrame2 Returns the TextFrame2 object associated with the specified Shape object that contains the alignment and anchoring properties for the specified shape. Read-only.


Properties Description
BackgroundStyle Sets or returns the background style of the specified object. Read/write.
CustomerData Returns a CustomerData object. Read-only.
Glow Returns the glow format for the specified range of shapes. Read-only.
HasChart Returns whether the shape range represented by the specified object contains a chart. Read-only.
Reflection Returns the reflection format for the specified range of shapes. Read-only.
ShapeStyle Sets or returns the shape style index for the specified object. Read/write.
SoftEdge Returns the soft edge format for the specified range of shapes. Read-only.
TextFrame2 Returns the TextFrame2 object associated with the specified ShapeRange object that contains the alignment and anchoring properties for the specified shape range. Read-only.


Methods Description
AddChart Adds a chart to a presentation.


Properties Description
BackgroundStyle Sets or returns the background style of the specified object. Read/write.
CustomerData Returns a CustomerData object. Read-only.
CustomLayout Returns a CustomLayout object representing the custom layout associated with the specified slide.
ThemeColorScheme Returns a ThemeColorScheme object representing the color scheme associated with the specified slide.
Methods Description
ApplyTheme Applies a theme or design template to the specified slide.
ApplyThemeColorScheme Applies a color scheme to the specified slide.
PublishSlides Publishes the specified slide to the specified location.


Properties Description
BackgroundStyle Sets or returns the background style of the specified object. Read/write.
CustomerData Returns a CustomerData object. Read-only.
CustomLayout Returns a CustomLayout object representing the custom layout associated with the specified range of slides.
ThemeColorScheme Returns a ThemeColorScheme object representing the color scheme associated with the specified range of slides.
Methods Description
PublishSlides Creates a Web presentation (HTML format) from any loaded presentation. You can view the published presentation in a Web browser.
ApplyTheme Applies a theme or design template to the specified range of slides.
ApplyThemeColorScheme Applies a color scheme to the specified range of slides.


Methods Description
AddSlide Creates a new slide, adds it to the Slides collection, and returns the slide.


Methods Description
FirstAnimationIsAutomatic Returns True if the current slide has an initial animation that runs automically.
GetClickCount Returns the number of mouse clicks that are defined for a slide.
GetClickIndex Returns the index number of the current mouse click for an animation that is actively playing on a slide or has just finished.
GotoClick Plays an animation associated with a specified mouse click, and any animations that follow on the slide.


Properties Description
Background Returns the TableBackground object associated with the specified table. Read-only.
FirstCol True to display special formatting for the first column of the specified table. Read/write.
FirstRow True to display special formatting for the first row of the specified table. Read/write.
HorizBanding True to display banded rows, in which even rows are formatted differently from odd rows. Read/write.
LastCol True to display special formatting for the last column of the specified table. Read/write.
LastRow True to display special formatting for the last row of the specified table. Read/write.
Style Returns a TableStyle object containing information about the specified table's current table style.
VertBanding True to display banded columns, in which even columns are formatted differently from odd columns. Read/write.
Methods Description
ApplyStyle Applies a table style to the specified table.
ScaleProportionally Scales all cell heights and widths, font sizes, and internal margins in the table by a specified proportion.


Properties Description
ContourWidth Returns or sets the width of the contour around the specified ThreeDFormat object, in points. Read/write.
BevelBottomDepth Returns or sets the bottom bevel height for the specified ThreeDFormat object, in points. Read/write.
BevelBottomInset Returns or sets the bottom bevel inset for the specified ThreeDFormat object, in points. Read/write.
BevelBottomType Returns or set the bottom bevel type. Read/write MsoBevelType.
BevelTopDepth Returns or sets the top bevel height for the specified ThreeDFormat object, in points. Read/write.
BevelTopInset Returns or sets the top bevel inset for the specified ThreeDFormat object, in points. Read/write.
BevelTopType Returns or set the top bevel type. Read/write MsoBevelType.
ContourColor Returns a ColorFormat object representing the color of the specified ThreeDFormat object's contour.
FieldOfView Returns or sets the camera field of view for the specified ThreeDFormat object, in degrees. Read/write.
LightAngle Sets or returns the angle at which light impacts the shape whose three-dimensional format is represented by the specified object. Read/write.
PresetCamera Returns the effects camera type used by the specified ThreeDFormat object. Read-only MsoPresetCamera.
PresetLighting Returns or sets the effects lighting used by the specified ThreeDFormat object. Read/write MsoLightRigType.
ProjectText Specifies whether or not text on the specified ThreeDFormat object rotates with the object. Read/write MsoTriState.
RotationZ Returns or sets the rotation of the effects camera for the specified ThreeDFormat object, in degrees. Read/write.
Z Returns or sets the distance the specified ThreeDFormat object is moved away from the ground plane, in points. Read/write.
Methods Description
IncrementRotationHorizontal Rotates the ThreeDFormat object along the horizontal axis by the specified number of degrees.
IncrementRotationVertical Rotates the ThreeDFormat object along the vertical axis by the specified number of degrees.
IncrementRotationZ Rotates the ThreeDFormat object around the ground plane by the specified number of degrees.
SetPresetCamera Specifies the effects camera type and rotation to use for the specified ThreeDFormat object.

New Constants

The following constants have been added to existing enumerations in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007.

Enumeration New Constants
PpBaselineAlignment ppBaselineAlignAuto
PpPlaceholderType ppPlaceholderPicture ppPlaceholderVerticalObject
PpSaveAsFileType ppSaveAsOpenXMLAddin ppSaveAsOpenXMLPresentation ppSaveAsOpenXMLPresentationMacroEnabled ppSaveAsOpenXMLShow ppSaveAsOpenXMLShowMacroEnabled ppSaveAsOpenXMLTemplate ppSaveAsOpenXMLTemplateMacroEnabled ppSaveAsOpenXMLTheme ppSaveAsPDF ppSaveAsXMLPresentation ppSaveAsXPS
PpSlideLayout ppLayoutComparison ppLayoutContentWithCaption ppLayoutCustom ppLayoutPictureWithCaption ppLayoutSectionHeader
PpSlideSizeType ppSlideSizeOnScreen16x10 ppSlideSizeOnScreen16x9