taskpaneVisible Attribute

Specifies whether the Workflow task pane is visible.



Parent Elements

Element Description
hwsWorkflow Contains the information to enable the Workflow task pane and to enable individual actions and tasks associated with a Microsoft Biztalk 2004 Human Workflow Services (HWS) server.


  <xsd:attribute name="taskpaneVisible" type="xsf:xdYesNo" ></xsd:attribute>


The default value for the taskpaneVisible attribute is "yes". The taskpaneVisible attribute is an optional attribute of the hwsWorkflow element.


The following is an example of the taskpaneVisible attribute as it is used in the hwsWorkflow element:

  <xsf:hwsWorkflow taskpaneVisible="yes">
 <xsf:location url="http://www.contoso.com/hwsservice/hwsservice.asmx" />
   <xsf:action name="approval" actionTypeID="123" 
    canInitiateWorkflow="yes" caption="Get Approval" />
   <xsf:action name="delegate" actionTypeID="234"   
    canInitiateWorkflow="no" caption="Delegate" />
   <xsf:task name="getManagerApproval" taskTypeID="435" 
    caption="Send Response" />
    <xsf:task name="getVPApproval" taskTypeID="436"  
     caption ="Send Response" />
    <xsf:task name="delegateToManager" taskTypeID="420" 
     caption="Respond" />