LabelElement Object Members

SharePoint Designer Developer Reference

Represents a LABEL element in an HTML document.


  Name Description
contains Returns a Boolean that represents whether an element is contained within another element. True indicates that the element specified in the pChild parameter is contained within a LABEL element.
getAttribute Returns a Variant that represents the value of the specified attribute.
insertAdjacentHTML Inserts HTML text into a LABEL element at the specified location.
insertAdjacentText Inserts text into a LABEL element at the specified location.
removeAttribute Returns a Boolean that represents whether the attribute was successfully removed. True indicates that the attribute was removed. False indicates that the attribute was not removed.
scrollIntoView Scrolls the page so that a LABEL element is positioned at the top of the page window.
setAttribute Sets the attribute for a LABEL element.


  Name Description
accessKey Sets or returns a String that represents the shortcut key, also known as the accelerator key, for a specified object.
all Returns an ElementCollection object that represents a reference to the collection of all elements contained within a specified object.
children Returns an ElementCollection collection that represents a collection of elements that are direct descendants of a LABEL element.
className Returns or sets a String that indicates the CSS style rule for a LABEL element. Corresponds to the class attribute.
dataFld Sets or returns a String that represents the name of the field in a data source, as specified by the dataSrc property, to which to bind the specified object. Corresponds to the dataFld attribute for a LABEL element.
dataFormatAs Sets or returns a String that contains the value of the dataFormatAs attribute, which represents how to render the data supplied to a specified object. Corresponds to the dataFormatAs attribute for a LABEL element.
dataSrc Sets or returns a String that represents the data source from which a LabelElement object gets or sets its data.
document Returns an Object that represents the parent document for a LABEL element.
htmlFor Returns or sets a String that represents the id attribute value for the element that is bound to a label. Corresponds to the for attribute.
id Returns or sets a String that represents the value of the id attribute for a LABEL element.
innerHTML Sets or returns a String that represents the text and HTML elements between the start and end tags of a LABEL element.
innerText Sets or returns a String that represents the text between the start and end tags of a LABEL element without any associated HTML.
isTextEdit Returns a Boolean that represents whether you can create a TextRange object with a LabelElement object. True indicates that you can create a TextRange object.
lang Returns or sets a String that represents the language to use for the specified object. Corresponds to the lang attribute of the associated HTML element.
language Returns or sets a String that represents the language in which the script for a LABEL element is written.
offsetHeight Retrieves the height of the specified object relative to the layout or coordinate parent, as indicated in the offsetParent property.
offsetLeft Retrieves the left edge of the specified object relative to the layout or coordinate parent, as indicated in the offsetParent property.
offsetParent Retrurns an IHTMLElement object that represents the parent element that defines the offsetTop and offsetLeft properties.
offsetTop Retrieves the top edge of the specified object relative to the layout or coordinate parent, as indicated in the offsetParent property.
offsetWidth Retrieves the width of the specified object relative to the layout or coordinate parent, as indicated in the offsetParent property.
onclick Sets or returns a Variant that represents the value of the onclick attribute, which is the script that runs when the onclick event fires.
ondblclick Returns or sets a Variant that represents the value of the ondblclick attribute, which is the script that runs when the ondblclick event fires.
ondragstart Returns or sets a Variant that represents the value of the ondragstart attribute, which is the script that runs when the ondragstart event fires.
onkeydown Returns or sets a Variant that represents the value of the onkeydown attribute, which is the script that runs when the onkeydown event fires.
onkeyup Returns or sets a Variant that represents the value of the onkeyup attribute, which is the script that runs when the onkeyup event fires.
onmousedown Returns or sets a Variant that represents the value of the onmousedown attribute, which is the script that runs when the onmousedown event fires.
onmousemove Returns or sets a Variant that represents the value of the onmousemove attribute, which is the script that runs when the onmousemove event fires.
onmouseout Returns or sets a Variant that represents the value of the onmouseout attribute, which is the script that runs when the onmouseout event fires.
onmouseover Returns or sets a Variant that represents the value of the onmouseover attribute, which is the script that runs when the onmouseover event fires.
onmouseup Returns or sets a Variant that represents the value of the onmouseup attribute, which is the script that runs when the onmouseup event fires.
onselectstart Returns or sets a Variant that represents the value of the onselectstart attribute, which is the script that runs when the onselectstart event fires.
outerHTML Returns or sets a String that represents the HTML for a LABEL element and all text and HTML that it contains, including the surrounding start and end tags.
outerText Returns or sets a String that represents the text, without any HTML, of a LABEL element.
parentElement Returns an IHTMLElement that represents the element that is one level up in the HTML element hierarchy.
parentTextEdit Returns an IHTMLElement object that represents the parent element in the document hierarchy that can be used to create a text range containing the original element.
sourceIndex Returns a Long that represents the ordinal position of the element, in source order, as the element appears in the ElementCollection collection accessed by using the all property.
Style Returns an Style object that represents the inline style properties for a LABEL element. Corresponds to the style attribute.
tagName Returns a String that represents the name of a LABEL element.
title Sets or returns a String that represents the value of a ScreenTip for a LABEL element.


  Name Description
onclick Occurs when a user clicks on a LABEL element.
ondblclick Occurs when a user double-clicks on a LABEL element.
ondragstart Occurs when the user starts to drag a LABEL element.
onkeydown Occurs when a users presses a key on the keyboard.
onkeyup Occurs when a user releases a key.
onmousedown Occurs when a user clicks a LABEL element with either mouse button.
onmousemove Occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer over a LABEL element.
onmouseout Occurs when a user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of a LABEL element.
onmouseover Occurs when a user moves the mouse pointer over a LABEL element.
onmouseup Occurs when a user releases a mouse button.
onselectstart Occurs when a user starts selecting a LABEL element.