PrintOptions Object Members

PowerPoint Developer Reference

Contains print options for a presentation.Specifying the optional arguments From, To, Copies, and Collate for the PrintOut method will set the corresponding properties of the PrintOptions object.


  Name Description,office.12).gif ActivePrinter Returns the name of the active printer. Read-only String.,office.12).gif Application Returns an Application object that represents the creator of the specified object.,office.12).gif Collate Determines whether a complete copy of the specified presentation is printed before the first page of the next copy is printed. Read/write MsoTriState.,office.12).gif FitToPage Read/write,office.12).gif FrameSlides Determines whether a thin frame is placed around the border of the printed slides. Read/write MsoTriState. Applies to printed slides, handouts, and notes pages.,office.12).gif HandoutOrder Returns or sets the page layout order in which slides appear on printed handouts that show multiple slides on one page. Read/write PpPrintHandoutOrder.,office.12).gif NumberOfCopies Returns or sets the number of copies of a presentation to be printed. The default value is 1. Read/write Long.,office.12).gif OutputType Returns or sets a value that indicates which component (slides, handouts, notes pages, or an outline) of the presentation is to be printed. Read/write PpPrintOutputType.,office.12).gif Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object.,office.12).gif PrintColorType Returns or sets the way the specified document will be printed: in black and white, in pure black and white (also referred to as high contrast), or in color. The default value is set by the printer. Read/write PpPrintColorType.,office.12).gif PrintComments Sets or returns whether comments will be printed. Read/write MsoTriState.,office.12).gif PrintFontsAsGraphics Determines whether TrueType fonts are printed as graphics. Read/write MsoTriState.,office.12).gif PrintHiddenSlides Determines whether hidden slides in the specified presentation will be printed. Read/write MsoTriState.,office.12).gif PrintInBackground Determines whether the specified presentation is printed in the background. Read/write MsoTriState.,office.12).gif Ranges Returns the PrintRanges object, which represents the ranges of slides in the presentation to be printed. Read-only.,office.12).gif RangeType Returns or sets the type of print range for the presentation. Read/write PpPrintRangeType.,office.12).gif SlideShowName Returns or sets the name of the custom slide show to run in response to a mouse action on the shape during a slide show (ActionSetting object), returns or sets the name of the custom slide show to print (PrintOptions object), or returns or sets the name of the custom slide show published as a web presentation (PublishObject object). Read/write String.