Store.GetRootFolder Method

Outlook Developer Reference

Returns a Folder object representing the root-level folder of the Store. Read-only.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Outlook 2007



expression   A variable that represents a Store object.

Return Value
A Folder object that represents the folder at the root of that Store.


You can use the GetRootFolder method to enumerate the subfolders of the root folder of the Store. Unlike NameSpace.Folders which contains all folders for all stores in the current profile, Store.GetRootFolder.Folders allows you to enumerate all folders for a given Store object in the current profile.

The Parent property of the root folder of a store returns the string "Mapi".

The root folder for the Exchange Public Folder store is the folder Public Folders. This folder is returned by the call to Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olPublicFoldersAllPublicFolders).

GetRootFolder returns an error if the service provider does not support root folders.


The following code sample in Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) starts at the root-level folder of each Store in a Stores collection for a session, and enumerates all folders on all stores for that session.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub EnumerateFoldersInStores()
    Dim colStores As Outlook.Stores
    Dim oStore As Outlook.Store
    Dim oRoot As Outlook.Folder
    On Error Resume Next
    Set colStores = Application.Session.Stores
    For Each oStore In colStores
        Set oRoot = oStore.GetRootFolder
        Debug.Print (oRoot.FolderPath)
        EnumerateFolders oRoot
End Sub

Private Sub EnumerateFolders(ByVal oFolder As Outlook.Folder) Dim folders As Outlook.folders Dim Folder As Outlook.Folder Dim foldercount As Integer

On Error Resume Next
Set folders = oFolder.folders
foldercount = folders.Count
'Check if there are any folders below oFolder
If foldercount Then
    For Each Folder In folders
        Debug.Print (Folder.FolderPath)
        EnumerateFolders Folder
End If

End Sub

See Also