Using the MediaDisplay Sample Application

The MediaDisplay sample application produces an on-screen window that simulates a front panel display (FPD) of a Windows Media Center PC. FPDs make an excellent additional channel for communicating Windows Media Center state to the user. The sample application forms the basis for an FPD system while illustrating how to use the MediaState managed objects.

The MediaDisplay application is installed as part of the Windows Media Center SDK and is located in [WMCSDK_InstallPath]\Samples\MSAS Sample\MediaDisplaySampleApplication. The source code is also included with the SDK. The source code shows how to use the MediaState object, and it contains comments explaining how the sample works.

This section discusses the following topics:

Topic Description
How MediaDisplay Works An overview of the sample application.
Running MediaDisplay How to run the sample application along with Windows Media Center.
MediaDisplay Layout XML Files An explanation of the layout definition files.
Selecting Layouts An explanation of how the code uses the layout files.

See Also