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MCML Enumerations

MCML exposes the following enumerations.

Enumeration Description
AccessibleRole Contains categories of accessibility roles.
AnchorAlignment Contains values that indicate the anchor edge alignment.
AnimationEventType Contains categories of events that an animation will respond to.
ColorScheme Contains color scheme variations.
ConditionLogicalOp Contains logical operators that describe how multiple conditions should be combined.
ConditionOp Contains operators to use within a single condition when comparing two values.
DateTimeFormats Contains formats supported by the DateTimeTransformer element.
DockLayoutAlignment Contains values that indicate dock layout alignment.
DockLayoutPosition Contains values that indicate dock layout positioning.
FontStyles Contains font style options.
GesturePanLockAxis Contains the axis options for pan movements.
HorizontalAlignment Contains horizontal alignment options.
InputHandlerStage Contains the stages in the event handling process that indicate when the event will be handled.
InterpolationType Contains the interpolation types.
ItemAlignment Contains values that indicate alignment.
KeyframeFilter Contains the types of keyframes that can be filtered to and from a TransformAnimation.
KeyframeValueReference Contains values that determine how to interpret the value of the keyframe.
KeyHandlerKey Contains the keys that can be registered for KeyHandler handling.
KeyHandlerModifiers Contains modifiers that must be pressed along with the key to invoke the command associated with the key handler.
MetadataVisibility Contains values that specify the visibility of extended metadata on Now Playing.
MissingItemPolicy Contains values that describe the policy for how a flow layout should handle a missing item.
NavigationDirection Contains values that indicate the direction of navigation through pages.
NavigationPolicies Contains values that indicate navigation mode.
Orientation Contains values that indicate the orientation for gradients.
RelativeEdge Contains values that indicate whether the value is relative the near end (top-left) or the far end (bottom-right).
RepeatPolicy Contains values that describe when the layout should infinitely repeat the data set in either direction.
ShortcutHandlerCommand Contains shortcuts that can be registered for the shortcut event handler.
SizingPolicy Contains values that describe how a graphic will be stretched.
StripAlignment Contains values that indicate the flow strip alignment.
TimeSpanFormats Contains formats supported by the TimeSpanTransformer element.
TransformAttribute Contains attributes that may be used for a TransformByAttributeAnimation element.
TypingInputRejectCause Specifies the reason for rejecting typing input.
TypingPolicy Contains the typing policies for the TypingHandler element.

See Also