Viewing Stack Trace Details

There are different ways to view detailed stack trace information—from the Event Viewer event logs, and from the error message that is displayed when an application fails to load or crashes:

  • Event Viewer. To view stack trace information in the Windows Media Center event logs, open the Event Viewer and navigate to the Applications and Services Logs > Media Center node.

  • Error message. If an application fails to load or if it crashes, detailed stack trace information can be displayed within the application's Invalid Application dialog box if the Details button has been enabled. To enable this feature, set the following key in the registry:

        Path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Settings\Extensibility

        Key: EnableErrorDetails

        Data type: REG_DWORD

        Value: 0 (not enabled) or 1 (enabled)

    By default, this value is only enabled on computers on which the Windows Media Center SDK has been installed.

Note   Events are always written to the event log, regardless of whether the Details button has been enabled.

See Also